Valid Flexing Compilation

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  • RobRossiFan

    3 years ago

    not bad to fuck a sexy jock with tits like this to grab it during sex and feel it
    I just think for his age and face its not suitable and appropriate.

  • trojanboy

    5 years ago

    Blah blah blah

  • mjolesko

    5 years ago

    This is sad. He really thinks he looks good . Those look like female breast implants

  • trby123

    5 years ago

    absolutely f--king disgusting is all I gotta say how could anyone even think this looks good. A real insult to the real bodybuilders that actually lift weights and build muscle through hard work and dedication....This guy just looks disgusting at least roid monkey bodybuilders have shape and well defined muscles with definition and veins this guy just looks inflated and gross with no shape or definition gross

  • BberVsBber

    5 years ago

    to fetishwearlover. Are you daft? This horrible distortion of an actual bodybuilder is bloody insulting to anyone whom actually lifts! Yes, there are Lg Bbers on here that use roids. But they actually have to workout harder for the roids to get them over their limit. Theirs is actual muscle. Functional muscle in looks and strength. THIS is nothing but oil injected into the muscle to the point of looking like a blow-up costume.

  • nickkk

    5 years ago

    Something is really wrong with this guy if he thinks this looks good. Sick individual! And to guy who is saying the other comments are haters think again. This is totally disgusting!

  • demandred753r

    5 years ago

    Yeah no, this is pretty nasty. And to the person commenting below about "blah blah blah, haters to the left, you're still commenting on this video", the person who uploaded it had the impression that this would be considered hot in terms of actual muscle; the sensible people commenting are merely pointing out how wrong and gross said impression of the original poster of this video is. This is nasty, very nasty.

  • fetishwearlover

    5 years ago

    HAHA really get insulted by this? might be the point to exaggerate it to the extreme and look freakishly synthetic.. Some get off on this. He obviously does. Probably enjoys knowing that his haters were still curious to watch his videos and comment. Most of yall dont mind that most of these guys are also steroid freaks. Im not that serious ....both are hot as fuk.

  • technologic

    5 years ago


  • BberVsBber

    5 years ago

    Why the f8ck is this even allowed on here? This is an insult to even the small muscle guys like me who lift, never mind actual Bodybuilders! This guy injects synthol or whatever into his muscle. And thats all it is. It cant flex. It cant lift REAL weight. It looks nothing like developed muscle looks. When it had its chest leaning forward they hang like female tits. Bloody repulsive!