Weighin 2007 NPC Los Angeles

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  • musclemasc

    3 years ago

    Also, the vid seemed longer than 15 years ago; I think because 2007 was the year Apple began selling smartphones. The only one you see is Adibi's and he's on a phone call; today, everyone in the video would be either staring at theirs or texting.


    3 years ago

    2007 could be correct. Muscle memory web lists Adibi and Sergovskiy attending this contest in 2007:

  • musclemasc

    3 years ago

    Thanks, Tinkmmv. You post a ton of great stuff. Don't think I've seen video of Denis Sergovskiy at a BB competition before. He won the Super Heavyweight class and Tad Inoue (with gf at beginning) won the Heavies; but they both lost the overall to the welterweight. Most of the guys you mention have done a lot of soft gay porn; and, there's also Frank Defeo (in white cap looking miserable with his gf) whose done the most.

  • Musclejacker

    3 years ago

    Some of these guys are dead