It is a pity there is no web sites like Musclehunks any more, showing first level bodybuilders,
Today onlyfans made this web sites like this unuseful.
And there are a lot of porn stars who had first level bodybuilder bodies even no taking part in competitions, like JOHN BRONCO, JOEY SULLIVAN, NATH WYLD or JAKE DANIELS
Anton Buttone aka Hugo Marquez.. A Brazillian bodybuilder.. now he is a lot slimmer and looks very different. His son is now a bodybuilder. Here he has the best ass I had seen in ages. He doesn't look comfortable doing these vids but bodybuilding is an expensive hobby.
I have never hear about a son of him, and less being a bodybuilder.
I think you mistake him with Paraguayan bodybuilder OSCAR ZARACHO, who did perform in Musclehunks and who do have a bodybuilder son, furthermore his son aims to become in a good athlete too, perhaps better than his father, there are a lot of photos of him in facebook with just 16 years old, with good mass, simmetry and a height taller than his father.
3 months agoIt is a pity there is no web sites like Musclehunks any more, showing first level bodybuilders,
Today onlyfans made this web sites like this unuseful.
And there are a lot of porn stars who had first level bodybuilder bodies even no taking part in competitions, like JOHN BRONCO, JOEY SULLIVAN, NATH WYLD or JAKE DANIELS
3 years agoAnton Buttone aka Hugo Marquez.. A Brazillian bodybuilder.. now he is a lot slimmer and looks very different. His son is now a bodybuilder. Here he has the best ass I had seen in ages. He doesn't look comfortable doing these vids but bodybuilding is an expensive hobby.
3 years agoHe is not from Brazil, but from Colombia.
3 months agoI have never hear about a son of him, and less being a bodybuilder.
I think you mistake him with Paraguayan bodybuilder OSCAR ZARACHO, who did perform in Musclehunks and who do have a bodybuilder son, furthermore his son aims to become in a good athlete too, perhaps better than his father, there are a lot of photos of him in facebook with just 16 years old, with good mass, simmetry and a height taller than his father.