Anton Shower

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  • brettmycles

    3 months ago

    It is a pity there is no web sites like Musclehunks any more, showing first level bodybuilders,
    Today onlyfans made this web sites like this unuseful.
    And there are a lot of porn stars who had first level bodybuilder bodies even no taking part in competitions, like JOHN BRONCO, JOEY SULLIVAN, NATH WYLD or JAKE DANIELS

  • Luvbutts

    3 years ago

    Anton Buttone aka Hugo Marquez.. A Brazillian bodybuilder.. now he is a lot slimmer and looks very different. His son is now a bodybuilder. Here he has the best ass I had seen in ages. He doesn't look comfortable doing these vids but bodybuilding is an expensive hobby.


    3 years ago

    He is not from Brazil, but from Colombia.


    3 months ago

    I have never hear about a son of him, and less being a bodybuilder.
    I think you mistake him with Paraguayan bodybuilder OSCAR ZARACHO, who did perform in Musclehunks and who do have a bodybuilder son, furthermore his son aims to become in a good athlete too, perhaps better than his father, there are a lot of photos of him in facebook with just 16 years old, with good mass, simmetry and a height taller than his father.