A growth progression series like this, from beefy kid to muscle monster triggers me in two ways. First, there’s the callback to my childhood comics days when seeing a scrawny guy morphed into a huge muscled hero gave me a latent thrill not then understood. Then, the at-home, showing off for the buds informal nature of these clips recalls college day memories of friends flexing their gym gains as I feigned disinterest while aching to worship them. This guy has provided lots of jerk-worthy vids.
9 months agoA growth progression series like this, from beefy kid to muscle monster triggers me in two ways. First, there’s the callback to my childhood comics days when seeing a scrawny guy morphed into a huge muscled hero gave me a latent thrill not then understood. Then, the at-home, showing off for the buds informal nature of these clips recalls college day memories of friends flexing their gym gains as I feigned disinterest while aching to worship them. This guy has provided lots of jerk-worthy vids.
1 Year agoone of my fave soldier