I wonder what is sexiest, the magnificence of his enormous, sculptural biceps, or the look of extreme pride and joy in his eyes when he admires them. It's so good to see a man obliviously, shamelessly, crazy in love for his own enormous muscles. Reminds me of Mike Matarazzo in that way.
2 years agoI wonder what is sexiest, the magnificence of his enormous, sculptural biceps, or the look of extreme pride and joy in his eyes when he admires them. It's so good to see a man obliviously, shamelessly, crazy in love for his own enormous muscles. Reminds me of Mike Matarazzo in that way.
2 years agoMike Kefalianos!
2 years agocorpo meraviglioso di questo greco
2 years agoJust had lots of fun watching this video........