Now, that’s a nice big boy. This monstrous manly stud triggers my caveman desire. Pursuant to prior comments, regardless of any roid regimen, there are men who are just predisposed to getting HUGE (think football linemen), and when THEY train heavy, eat big, and dose up, the sky’s the limit for mass. Walking into this restroom scene would be akin to encountering some enormous beast on a safari, his herculean size is so overwhelming. His muscular power is fucking primal and demands tribute.
This amount and quality of muscle mass is completely insane. Seeing bodybuilders regularly on this site you forget how ridiculously difficult it is to have this amount of muscle on you (even with all the steroids in the world). Each pound of muscle is a ton of work and food to gain, and this guy has more muscle mass in his traps, lats and pecs than most men have in their entire body
He's a fucking god, I'd love to see more of him; lifting, especially
6 months agoNow, that’s a nice big boy. This monstrous manly stud triggers my caveman desire. Pursuant to prior comments, regardless of any roid regimen, there are men who are just predisposed to getting HUGE (think football linemen), and when THEY train heavy, eat big, and dose up, the sky’s the limit for mass. Walking into this restroom scene would be akin to encountering some enormous beast on a safari, his herculean size is so overwhelming. His muscular power is fucking primal and demands tribute.
12 months agoDennis Reinhold
2 years agoThis amount and quality of muscle mass is completely insane. Seeing bodybuilders regularly on this site you forget how ridiculously difficult it is to have this amount of muscle on you (even with all the steroids in the world). Each pound of muscle is a ton of work and food to gain, and this guy has more muscle mass in his traps, lats and pecs than most men have in their entire body
He's a fucking god, I'd love to see more of him; lifting, especially
2 years agoName?