Find it amusing that some are wearing a "cock sock" and some are totally nude. Most guys are not modest about being seen nude especially guys at this level of bodybuilding.
This must be a bodybuilding contest in Europe. Bodybuilders change backstage and get tanned and pump up in the same area. Men and women are in the same area. No big deal about nudity.
5 months agoIf I looked like anyone of these guys I would be nude too.
6 months agoone VERY thick shafted black cock couldhave stolen the show nif hebwanted,
1 Year agoFind it amusing that some are wearing a "cock sock" and some are totally nude. Most guys are not modest about being seen nude especially guys at this level of bodybuilding.
1 Year agoThis must be a bodybuilding contest in Europe. Bodybuilders change backstage and get tanned and pump up in the same area. Men and women are in the same area. No big deal about nudity.