As one whose muscle lust commenced in the 70s magazine era, I often yearn for the heyday of seaside/beach photo shoots, with bodybuilders flexing amid the sand and surf. This forest backdrop is nice twist on the muscle god in nature motif, and he looks utterly majestic and huge here. I’m tempted to riff on a fairytale theme, perhaps involving a sexy woodsman whipping off his tunic to display his muscled physique before dispatching a menacing wolf.
Astonishing muscle power fantasy. Shabunia as The Terminator (2007 photo shoot).
Photo gallery of Shabunia as The Terminator (2007 photo shoot). Astonishing muscle power fantasy.
3 months agoAs one whose muscle lust commenced in the 70s magazine era, I often yearn for the heyday of seaside/beach photo shoots, with bodybuilders flexing amid the sand and surf. This forest backdrop is nice twist on the muscle god in nature motif, and he looks utterly majestic and huge here. I’m tempted to riff on a fairytale theme, perhaps involving a sexy woodsman whipping off his tunic to display his muscled physique before dispatching a menacing wolf.
1 Year agoAstonishing muscle power fantasy. Shabunia as The Terminator (2007 photo shoot).
1 Year agoPhoto gallery of Shabunia as The Terminator (2007 photo shoot). Astonishing muscle power fantasy.