I don't think his arms are synthol. Synthol arms tend to have a peak when fully extended as well as flexed, and they don't move naturally when the arms are flexed and extended. To me it looks like he started using bulking steroids at a young age. He is a beast for only 18!
¡¡¡¡ QUE BARBARO ¡¡¡ Con apenas 18 anos y con ese cuerpo GUAU¡¡¡¡ Este chico tiene mucho potencial para el fisiculturismo esperamos verlo mas por aca....
13 years agoI don't think his arms are synthol. Synthol arms tend to have a peak when fully extended as well as flexed, and they don't move naturally when the arms are flexed and extended. To me it looks like he started using bulking steroids at a young age. He is a beast for only 18!
14 years agoSize looks unreal, like synthol??
14 years agoLovin Lorenzo!!
14 years ago¡¡¡¡ QUE BARBARO ¡¡¡ Con apenas 18 anos y con ese cuerpo GUAU¡¡¡¡ Este chico tiene mucho potencial para el fisiculturismo esperamos verlo mas por aca....
14 years agoOMFG
14 years agoBIG FUCKIN' GUNS, man!!! HOT!!! DAMN!!