Lee Priest and Rusty Jeffers

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  • trojanboy

    7 years ago

    Like I'm sure Lee could give a flying fuck what people think of his face......

  • Devyn

    13 years ago

    What I'd really like to see is Rusty working Lee's rockhard nipples over-and I'll bet Lee likes that!

  • bobo81

    14 years ago

    I also find that tattoo on his face to be abominable, but it's HIS face, HIS body, HIS choice, so what I think is irrelevant. Only he knows why he did it and I can only hope that he has no regrets.

  • thickgoat

    14 years ago

    I think it is "Hangover ll" all over again!!

  • breiver

    14 years ago

    I have never commented on any of the videos here but after seeing what Lee Priest has done I have to say it... tatoos... the worst thing to happen to the human body. They make really hot men look like they need a shower. What the hell are people thinking; obviously not too far into the future.

  • gappythree

    14 years ago

    Great bodies BUT..... Rusty Jeffers/Carl Hardwick without hair and a big bushy moustache unrecognisable, I think he is the only BB who I dont like with a shaved head. That tatt on Lee Prist's face is abominable, what on earth gives a man the idea he can disfigure such a beautiful face FOREVER. Once tattooed you CANNOT go back!!!

  • bigjeff

    14 years ago

    Why the fuck would anyone with such an amazing physique go and destroy his face with a tattoo??? My opinion of Lee Preist dropped to the bottom of the ladder when I first saw him with it.