This art would be great if they didn't make him looked so over morphed. Way too much bulk. Tone the mass down a little and behold the perfect image of man
The artist responsible for over 700 images of perfect male pulchritude, aka “David,” went by the nom de plume of ManOfSteel. MOS published his work extensively on Renderotica
for over 20 years. Sadly, he passed away earlier this year due to cancer and all his images were taken down per his instructions. He leaves an incredible legacy of art that was widely regarded by fans throughout the world as sheer male perfection. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
12 years agoThis art would be great if they didn't make him looked so over morphed. Way too much bulk. Tone the mass down a little and behold the perfect image of man
4 years agoThe artist responsible for over 700 images of perfect male pulchritude, aka “David,” went by the nom de plume of ManOfSteel. MOS published his work extensively on Renderotica
for over 20 years. Sadly, he passed away earlier this year due to cancer and all his images were taken down per his instructions. He leaves an incredible legacy of art that was widely regarded by fans throughout the world as sheer male perfection. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.