Tom Lord

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  • devolver

    14 years ago

    I agree, it's quite pathetic what he's done to his once incredible dick. You would think a guy lucky enough to have this kind of endowment wouldn't be so quick to go around mutilating it to try and make it bigger. It would be one thing if he had a tiny dick, but c'mon he was absolutely massive to begin with and could put 99% of all other guys 'manhood to shame. So stupid and such a waste what he did.

  • lalalu

    14 years ago

    Unfortunately, he has taken a series of male enhancements drugs and has made is penis rather unsightly. Its sad really i think we should be happy with what God has given us and I include myself in that statement

  • gappythree

    14 years ago

    Yes Tom..... that is the answer to all your questions................... Y-E-S.... need I say more??