please go to you must spend the time on this web page to understand it and find if other movies on him are available from this web page !!!
Bill Grant makes the white kid look like a little
boy. Notice how big Bill's balls are compared to
the twink - that's because Bill has produced
tons of natural testosterone to get his huge
muscles. Very impressive!
2 years agoWow, I was hoping it would go a bit further.
8 years agoBeautyfull!
13 years agoplease go to you must spend the time on this web page to understand it and find if other movies on him are available from this web page !!!
13 years agoBill Grant makes the white kid look like a little
boy. Notice how big Bill's balls are compared to
the twink - that's because Bill has produced
tons of natural testosterone to get his huge
muscles. Very impressive!
14 years agoI think this was made around 1979/84 (ish)
14 years agoSweet. Bill Grant had an awesome body - more beautiful than our steroid freaks.
14 years agoDoes anyone know what year this was made?
14 years agoThanks for your posting. Bill is hot n muscular.More ps@@