I found some sad news on the internet and i wanted to share with you. Art atwood past away on the 11 from a pool accident Also there is Luke wood that died of kidney rejection afther a transplatation. I dont know what is going on but it suck, that these great bodybuilder are dying so young and this is the third one that I know. Great physiques that inspire me to keep on lifthing!
13 years agoGo to Wikepedia for info about Art's death. Died of a sudden heart attack by a pool.
13 years agoA great shame about Art's passing so young.
A great competitor with a giant's body.
I wish he had been with us longer.
13 years agoThis is sad news indeed for such a wonderful Man of Steel.
13 years agoWhat A fucking shame!
13 years agoHere some links for Art:http://www.examiner.com/healthy-trends-in-new-york/ny-s-claudia-reid-bodybuilder-art-atwood-dies-at-37
for Luke Wood:http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/bodybuilder-luke-wood-dies-after-kidney-transplant/story-e6freuy9-1226129243854
13 years agoI found some sad news on the internet and i wanted to share with you. Art atwood past away on the 11 from a pool accident Also there is Luke wood that died of kidney rejection afther a transplatation. I dont know what is going on but it suck, that these great bodybuilder are dying so young and this is the third one that I know. Great physiques that inspire me to keep on lifthing!