Huge Biceps

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  • trojanboy

    3 years ago

    Hot. In a strange way.

  • Servant_pop

    3 years ago

    I just wonder if there are videos of him, showing his bare chest. (Since I am a chest fan. But this video is already great!)

  • Maximax

    4 years ago


  • psustud4331

    13 years ago

    they're not amazing biceps! they're synthol.... give steroid users a bad name... people look at a guy like this and say "see that's what steroids will do", but it's not true.. this guy has literally injected mass into his arm.. SYNTHOL

  • GlobeHunter

    13 years ago

    Many people like to see freaky huge muscle mass` even if its blown up with synthol. Proportion means nothing if the man is inhumanly massive and over the top.More men fantasize about this than a woman because men are more visual and sexually inttence.

  • gappythree

    13 years ago

    I just thought on first view "Poor Sod!" verything else is totally out of proportion escpecially his forearms which look like matchsticks. Still I suppose it makes the world go round and gets us talking......

  • tonedom1

    13 years ago

    You took the time to post this old shit?

  • jbfisher

    13 years ago

    I agree with BigQuads - the synthol use is too obvious but it's hot to see a guy who loves showing off his giant biceps.

  • BigQuads

    13 years ago

    He is so artifically syntholed out it is rather sad but still the idea of creating something so over the top to attract men - no woman would ever go for that - is hot to me.

  • ryamkajr

    13 years ago

    why do people give this loser attention?