Tom Lord Recruiting Worship

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  • Chereveur1

    13 years ago

    oh fuck guys this is one of the super hot videos is this site!!! he looks awesome in this shape, most of you are right he looked better with his normal cock , still huge and fuckable. his shape is super great here, i wonder how old he really is, his bigmuscle profile says 44. i recently became a member in his website, looks very funny, and still with belly and fat cock he is the ultimate muscle lord and his butt muscles still look great.

  • Primemuscle

    13 years ago

    He is the consummate "sex pig" gotta love him.

  • tinkmmv

    13 years ago

    is this a case of dick dysmorphia? i.e. no matter how big his dick, it ain't big enough?

  • devolver

    13 years ago

    Here's a more recent pic of his dick:

    As you can see it looks nothing like it did here. He's obviously injected it with something. His dick is all engorged and deformed, it looks more gross than anything now. Such a shame too because he had such a naturally perfect and massive dick to start out with as you can see in this vid, I don't know why he felt he had to make it bigger.

  • peccoach

    13 years ago

    If I'm not mistaken, Tom's been doing some serious vacuum pumping. What I've been wondering about is what did he do to his abs? His skin has bizarre wrinkles where his ab ridges used to be. Did he do ab implants at one time?

  • tinkmmv

    13 years ago

    don't know HOW, but I have seen WHAT in his recent production called Penetration. pic here:

  • davea70

    13 years ago

    How did he mutilate it?

  • tinkmmv

    13 years ago

    i've always wondered ... did Lord inject synthol into his dick?

  • devolver

    13 years ago

    He had the most mouthwatering dick here, it's just too bad he mutilated it...

  • msavitt

    13 years ago

    Our Lord at his hottest.