Beef ragout

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  • JakeJock

    13 years ago

    Thank you for posting this! It may be soft core, but it's hotter than just about anything else out there. Dakota was the star of most of my fantasies for decades, and his look coupled with the Ledermeister's raunchy attitude is the perfect match. HOT!

  • musclequest

    13 years ago

    THANK YOU for posting this!!! Nothing more amazing to see than 2 bodybuilders enjoying eachother's muscle!
    I have to say that I beat off to Ledermeister's arms alone in that black shortsleeved shirt!

  • gappythree

    13 years ago

    Thankyou xychromo. It's not the same now when you put your meter readings on-line, is it? Dakota always lookd so debauched. Ledermeister was always "old" and I loved them both, oh and best of all just look at those SIDEBURNS always good to grab hold of when you were being BLOWN!!!!

  • luvmuscl

    13 years ago

    This was the wonderful era when men had sex with men. Nobody played top or bottom, no passive vs dominant. There were no mightier men than Dakota and Ledermeister.

  • patrick_826461

    13 years ago

    Thanks for posting. The vintage bodybuilders was really hot>

  • gremlin8

    13 years ago

    Meterman was my favourite film with Ledermeister. I seem to remember playing it so often that my projector burnt a hole in the Super-8 film !