Young Boss Depleted

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  • bbwannab

    11 years ago

    SEXY young latino muscle hunk!!!

  • Mulder

    12 years ago

    one of the hotest

  • TRADO1

    12 years ago

    @ StevenT1....Rather than be an asshole, I would guess he has done more that you'll ever do in a lifetime

  • TRADO1

    12 years ago

    @ Sidroik Wow, for not knowing you, you're such the asshole

  • famoustim

    12 years ago

    why do you people have to be so jealous? the man is incredible............hate will get you know where.....where are your pics? HATERS, YOU ARE ALL PATHETIC. Alex, is the man!

  • mayena

    12 years ago

    His youtube channel is NaturalMuscleAO.

  • StevenT1

    12 years ago

    Ehhh, he finished sixth in the middleweight class, and honestly that was a generous placing, as he came in too soft. And I'll bet we don't even see this bitch compete again!

  • mjolesko

    12 years ago

    Body is decent but not enough to be noticed on a competitive stage. Great lips, too. If only what came out of those lips was at all interesting.....

  • bb_zilla

    12 years ago

    Its the only place he has a mirror.

  • sidroik

    12 years ago

    why is he hiding in a closet? OH, I just answered my own question