Ripped Mass

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  • Anonymous

    7 years ago

    Mass-yes!!! Ripped-not so much!! Still he is SO hot!!

  • huetemann

    12 years ago

    This guy turns me on. I want that.

  • trent25

    12 years ago

    the camera guy is a dumb ass. I was on the edge of my bed hoping his stupid camera would go lower, but he was more interested in the ceiling. but man i love this guy's body type

  • jamieh1974

    12 years ago

    I wear my shorts low - I am gay and butch!

  • bibearfan

    12 years ago

    Great body - love the meaty off-season look. I think he's Romanian. Oh, and codymc10, you're a douche.

  • tim120

    12 years ago

    Love the look of this guy as well, prefer the off season full look, more to appreciate. This guy is a true keeper. I don't understand the need for negative comments either, just move on and go to the next video.

  • probie5

    12 years ago

    I don't get why people need to leave dumb comments. His handle is "Ripped Mass" I didn't say he was ripped, bb_zilla. Codymc10, how about you just stop littering up videos with b.s.

  • muscledudemail

    12 years ago

    wow, totally love him, tremendous back and ass!!!!

  • gappythree

    12 years ago

    Why does codymc make such broad statements??? Who cares about the man's sexuality you either like what you see or KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF!!! I suppose it depends whether or not you get off on certain ideas or not.

  • bb_zilla

    12 years ago

    Obvious difference in opinion about what ripped means.