Brandon Myles White

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  • nickkk

    5 years ago

    And guys do a lot of nude and semi nude shoots

  • nickkk

    5 years ago

    I have news for you male fitness models and male models in general don't make much money at all. An editorial pays $150 at the most and agents take 15-20% . That's why some guys escort and also work as personal trainers. Female models on the other hand make a lot more money.

  • rjxxx

    12 years ago

    does he actually get naked on the site? Please let me know!

  • mayena

    12 years ago

    @ shamir15 maybe he needed the money. Fitness modeling is extremely highly competitive only a few have an lucrative career out of it example Greg Plitt, Rob Riches. Plus most of his photo shoots you see on the internet where taken in 2009.

  • gappythree

    12 years ago

    Pretty Boy!

  • tonedom1

    12 years ago

    Its a good website (lots of huge cocks and gorgeous men) , you just can't download videos...blah.

  • huetemann

    12 years ago


  • muscleman89

    12 years ago

    This has nothing to do with the video, but is anyone else having issues with this website loading properly lately, or is it just me?

  • Musclejacker

    12 years ago


  • shamir15

    12 years ago

    This guy is actually a known fitness model! I'm surprised he did any kind of work with!