Added: 12 years ago
During the 1960s, John Tristram (1933-1985) showed up regularly in physique magazines, thanks to AMG's Bob Mizer, Kris of Chicago, and Scott of London. A native of Yorkshire, England, he had been a British merchant seaman for five years before coming to the States at the age 22. After briefly modeling (as 'John Trenton') for Lon of NY, he relocated to California, where he competed successfully for years, while teaching French at UCLA and doing high-end escorting on the side. AMG's 'Pose, please!'--in which Larry Marrinan plays the aspiring painter--is the only known Tristram footage we have. Although he was still in great shape when he later posed for Target's Lou Thomas, plans for more movie work had come to nothing by 1985, the year of his premature death--blamed since then, and variously, on 'steroids misuse' and AIDS-related complications. He was 52.
6 years agoInteresting how styles come around. These two guys look like plenty of guys you might find knocking around our gyms in 2019 whereas the guys from the era late 60s and 70s would look totally out of place. John Tristram looks superb here.
10 years agovery funny! the big guy is so hot
12 years agoAs a tenn, I became aware of this gorgeous bodybuilder when I purchased a muscle mag with him on the cover (and inside). Thanks for posting.
12 years ago??Very strange!
12 years agoJohn Tristam looks great. Thank you.
12 years agoAmazing ass of the most muscular model!
12 years agoFor some reason, the player won't show the clip in the proper aspect/ratio (4:3). (I tried reposting it, but it hasn't solved the problem.)