Ulysses huge dick at gym

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  • cummins4x4

    6 years ago

    Cant we all just get along

  • PornoStuff1

    8 years ago

    Guys, don't be too hard on 25fitguy. Feel his pain.
    When he sees a mountain of a man like Ulisses, all he feels is inadequacy, so, he lashes out.:)

  • Anonymous

    8 years ago

    Black bodybuilders are amazing! I am white and nobody comes close to their perfection. Many are amazing. Yes, there are unreal white bodybuilders, but blacks are taking over bodybuilding.

  • LoveEmBig

    9 years ago

    haha so hot and i -love- that this clip is totally not about his legs. he knows his audience and knows for many, big dick sells, and for the others, big dick intimidates. actually, i wonder if hes into dudes...i'd die happily after some face time lol

  • avlang

    10 years ago

    so sexy man

  • Anonymous

    10 years ago

    It's amzing how so many white and other guys allow themselves to be fucked by ugly guys like that, there are even sites devoted to that. What do they see? It is AA went out control? And watch the horrific znger when you don't follow the "liberal" flow to agree that ugly is beautiful, you are not allowed to say what you or most people actually -- including themselves deep down think is the truth.

  • roman

    11 years ago

    @25fitguy fuck you racist motherfucker. Bet you wouldn't say that shit to Ulysses' face unless you "fancy" a good fist to the face. Fucking idiot.

  • allegro52

    12 years ago

    Can you imagine what his posers would look like when he's hard? WOW!

  • shudafucup

    12 years ago

    @25fitguy...kill yourself you inbred hillbilly/chav. You don't "fancy" him because he's superior in every way to your punk ass. Read my username. It was made for idiots like you.

  • 25fitguy

    12 years ago

    mjolesko...it was to see what all the fuss was about - but yeah i shouldnt have. he is just the colour of my crap with rope for hair...