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  • stephano

    1 Year ago

    Matt was a dream man of my youth, and I devoured all his pics in the mags. The Weiders got good mileage of this beautiful man, marketing him as another in their line of golden musclemen, after Scott & Draper, etc., though they never allowed him to win much. He sure grabbed my attention when they posed him in archetypal beach pics, flexing in a tiny poser, huge and handsome, the perfect embodiment of the beach-god we all all desired or longed to be. I'm just marveling at his sheer width here.

  • trojanboy

    10 years ago

    I jerked so mych to this guy. Matt is basically a He-Man cartoon come to life. A waking orgasm.

  • vegas787

    16 years ago

    Wow, lots of orgasms from that stud!