He's a good man. He's a PA (physician's assistant) whose wife is also a PA at USC, I believe. They care for the underserved homeless in LA county. His TED talks are inspiring. Still well-built today.
What was about the life of this guy ? I hardly remembered him when I saw the video.
He never took part in any famous competition and he almost disappeared two years after being famous.
It is TOO EASY to become a MUSCLE MONSTER being a short teen, a very short I mean (less than 1,65 m). With a proper diet, some of training and a couple of stanos.
wanjockwai@yahoo.com.hk 68578533 mobile muscle? hunks erectile dysfunction & vasectomy
male enema
10 years ago
Ahhhhhhh I remember when I used to pretend to be this guy on various gay chat sites back in the day with stolen pics and such from his website =) People used to flock to me for world class phone sex while i pretended to be him! Good times! Thanks for posting this video so I could relive the past =)
2 years agoHe's a good man. He's a PA (physician's assistant) whose wife is also a PA at USC, I believe. They care for the underserved homeless in LA county. His TED talks are inspiring. Still well-built today.
3 years agoWhat was about the life of this guy ? I hardly remembered him when I saw the video.
He never took part in any famous competition and he almost disappeared two years after being famous.
It is TOO EASY to become a MUSCLE MONSTER being a short teen, a very short I mean (less than 1,65 m). With a proper diet, some of training and a couple of stanos.
5 years agowanjockwai@yahoo.com.hk 68578533 mobile muscle? hunks erectile dysfunction & vasectomy
male enema
10 years agoAhhhhhhh I remember when I used to pretend to be this guy on various gay chat sites back in the day with stolen pics and such from his website =) People used to flock to me for world class phone sex while i pretended to be him! Good times! Thanks for posting this video so I could relive the past =)
16 years agoBrett 100% Grade A beef! YUM!
16 years agoHot - especially those nips & pits
16 years agoBrett the studly teen hulk! :p