Gappythree you are thinking of _Bob_ Birdsong, who won the 1975 Mr. Universe. I think he and Serge J. and Dan Padilla all had the same hairstyle. Wish it would come back b/c some muscle guys would look so hot with it ;)
Great vintage. The hairstyle is very reminiscent of a guy called ????? Birdsong except he was a blonde blonde and featured in Pumping Iron. Also just like scoop58 says those sideburns (Cock suckers handles) are absolutely superb. Has anyone else noticed that they seem to be making a comeback??
5 years agoCompeted in the 60's and 70's.
6 years agoLike the last comment indicates, would love to see part 2!! Serge sure is a handsome bodybuilder of both face and body!!
9 years agoPart 2???
11 years agoGappythree you are thinking of _Bob_ Birdsong, who won the 1975 Mr. Universe. I think he and Serge J. and Dan Padilla all had the same hairstyle. Wish it would come back b/c some muscle guys would look so hot with it ;)
12 years agoOMG! I used to masturbate watching this on an old real to real time flies!
12 years agoYum.
12 years agoGreat video! More please!
12 years agoGreat vintage. The hairstyle is very reminiscent of a guy called ????? Birdsong except he was a blonde blonde and featured in Pumping Iron. Also just like scoop58 says those sideburns (Cock suckers handles) are absolutely superb. Has anyone else noticed that they seem to be making a comeback??
12 years agoPlease post Tim Belknap, Clint Beyerle, Gunnar Rosbo and Dave Spector. All my teenage cum fantasies.
12 years agoHot body. Love the long hair and sideburns!