Measuring an insanely huge chest

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  • stephano

    11 months ago

    Awesome. I’m always up for massive muscle guys measuring their muscles for us mortals. How many men have you seen who can max out the ENTIRE fucking tape measure when flexing their upper body? And if he took a really big breath, he’d likely add a few more inches to his expansion. Forget quibbling over systems of measurement. I’m going to focus on those huge, shapely slabs of muscle, and imagine myself looking up at that majestic chest and lats

  • gappythree

    12 years ago

    Musclejacker Metric measurement is used all over THE WORLD The US is the only country I know of that uses the old Fett and Inches. Here in the UK we use BOTH!!!! Plus the fact we used Fahrenheit and Celsius for temperatures!!!!!!!! In any case whether it be feet and inches or centimetres and metres this guy is fucking gorgeous and I wouldn't turf him out of be would you?

  • jaycutlerf

    12 years ago

    I want to fuck those titties

  • mjolesko

    12 years ago

    Re centimeters, America is still one of the few countries that holds on to inches feet and yards; the rest of the world has gone metric

  • Musclejacker

    12 years ago

    What is it with Slovaks and their centimeters?

  • mppaloha

    12 years ago

    Could you imagine what his stats would be if he expanded that chest?

  • mjolesko

    12 years ago

    Yes, he is HUGE! but I think he was cheating because he also flexed his lats which made his upper torso wider. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  • Wendigo

    12 years ago

    It's because Radec is not only huge but also tall :)

  • biceptaper

    12 years ago

    Yowza!! His chest is over 60 inches and he wasn't even measuring the full thickness of his pecs! His arm is over 21 5/8 around and robably wasn't even pumped! Let's see some guys try to compare with this huge man!