Frank the Tank Compilation

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  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    And to avoid ending on a sour note, let me make it absolutely plain I appreciate Jake's efforts & fine editorial skills in offering us the nitty-gritty on the subject. In all fairness, there's much to be said for Defeo--but it's better when someone else does the saying. (Just sayin. . .)

  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    To my eye, this concentrated overview of Defeo offers a better (and more entertaining) way of checking him out than the carpet-bombing of individual clips we've seen over the past month. There were days when the whole site seemed to be devoted to him--and I guess the fact that he was unaware--or unconcerned--that it might annoy some people opens up still another insight into the workings of the narcissistic mind.)