muscle wonder

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  • muzzles

    11 years ago

    They are both a bit cloney T shirts, well groomed, moustached, and trying to be str8 acting..isnt that a ridiculous expression str8ACTING!!!, doesnt anyone actually want to be themselves anymore

  • MuscleDave2007

    11 years ago

    These two are so totally HORNED....and horned for EACHOTHER! This is MAN SEX at it's best..... wish the cumm-shots had been filmed better. A totally ALPHA vid, though.

  • chief09

    11 years ago

    what is wrong with his penis and discoloration? did he try to tattoo or do something? He use to live in Palm Springs CA, so leave it up to the gays here to do something weird with their body parts.

  • mjolesko

    11 years ago

    Prime example of two nice bodies but zero sex appeal. And his dick is ugly. I'd want the FDA to sign off before I sucked on it.

  • gappythree

    11 years ago

    This is so HOT and HORNY. Two gentlemen of a certain age going at it hammer and tongs.... keep all your twinks give me real men ALL the time. As for the markings on the cock its just a sort of skin fault.

  • srlmd37

    11 years ago

    looks like he tattooed his dick

  • bigjeff

    11 years ago

    Can anyone explain the unusual skin markings on the cock of the guy with silver hair? Was curious if it is a birth mark or some sort of injury.