Sean Allan Muscle Titties

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  • bigpecs

    7 years ago

    Look at those pecs, wow, now they are proper pecs

  • jimmy2

    10 years ago

    hol shit

  • btkcb

    11 years ago

    fucking thick meaty pecs!!!!! Hot!!!!!!!!!!!

  • TnAluver

    11 years ago

    I'd never own an Italian sports car. They're too unreliable, and I could never afford one. But I'll always stare at one if it's put in front of my face, because their beauty transcends the substance underneath. Such is the case with a-hole bodybuilders! LOL

  • mjolesko

    11 years ago

    @musclejacker: there's no causal relationship between massive meaty pecs and heart trouble. If that was true, Branch Warren's future would be on an egg timer.

  • Musclejacker

    11 years ago

    I agree with smoothands. And when he dies of a heart attack or kidney failure, I will not care one iota and my dick will point to the next roid monster. I will keep stroking off and these guys will keep on dropping dead. I don't care as there is always someone bigger to come along. Daniele Seccarecci just plopped dead. He had massive slabs of pecs. Art Atwood had dripping nipply udders. Now is Sean the next BB to drop dead? I'm taking wagers.

  • smoothands

    11 years ago

    do u guys really care if he is an homophobe? do u guys care if he thinks at all??!?! I just see a huge muscled sex object, piece of beef meat with monumental muscle tits for our fun and enetrtainment...

  • gappythree

    11 years ago

    Homophobia, Aggressive battering of females all non-runners. I wish I hadn't voted. He deserves NOTHING.

  • mayena

    11 years ago

    Can does anyone have first hand quotations of his homophobic remarks?. Plus in 2008 he was arrested for domestic battery against the mother of his children as well as hitting their 4 year old daughter.

  • mayena

    11 years ago

    If it is true about the the homophobic rumor he is one big hypocrite. So it was alright for him for taking money from and performing for the very group of men he despise.