ancaeus, your link takes me to the exact same clip that you just razzed MILLERDRAFT about. Quality is the same as this one, in fact the weird #.VAZSIBt0zIU tab is the same for both....just sayin'.
Miller, although you post a lot, surely you're not too busy to check if you're uploading items already in the archive. On p. 1 of the Bruce P entries, you'd have seen that prettythug posted the same poor copy of this clip just a few months ago, and on p. 3 that bigjeff had posted a clearer version back in 2011:
None of which is to say that I ever tire of seeing Bruce rimmed. (I just wish it was me playing the friar's role.)
11 years agoancaeus, your link takes me to the exact same clip that you just razzed MILLERDRAFT about. Quality is the same as this one, in fact the weird #.VAZSIBt0zIU tab is the same for both....just sayin'.
11 years agoSo skip OVER IT !
11 years agoMiller, although you post a lot, surely you're not too busy to check if you're uploading items already in the archive. On p. 1 of the Bruce P entries, you'd have seen that prettythug posted the same poor copy of this clip just a few months ago, and on p. 3 that bigjeff had posted a clearer version back in 2011:
None of which is to say that I ever tire of seeing Bruce rimmed. (I just wish it was me playing the friar's role.)