A trailer for a 35 min vid I just filmed last week . Write me at bodybuilding.champ@yahoo.com for the full length one or visit www.yemuscles.com/evanderstore where you can see all my vids and get DISSCOUNTS AND COMBOS !
Evander is perfection.He has a cute handsome face with penetrating dark eyes.His skin is a gorgeous silky smooth olive complexion .Evander's physique is one of a competitive level bodybuilder. His legs are like tree trunks and his chest and arms are massive on his 5'7'' frame.He is incredidly strong as he lifts vehicles, humans and arm wrestles men inferior to him in size and proportion.In some videos he speaks and he has a very sexy voice.Evander looks like the epitome of perfect health.
8 years agoYour physique is awesome. Have you tried dominating a smaller guy? It'd be so hot.
12 years agoEvander is perfection.He has a cute handsome face with penetrating dark eyes.His skin is a gorgeous silky smooth olive complexion .Evander's physique is one of a competitive level bodybuilder. His legs are like tree trunks and his chest and arms are massive on his 5'7'' frame.He is incredidly strong as he lifts vehicles, humans and arm wrestles men inferior to him in size and proportion.In some videos he speaks and he has a very sexy voice.Evander looks like the epitome of perfect health.
15 years agoHave you got any mma or martial arts fighting experience?.