ripped guy

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  • Anonymous

    9 years ago

    Camera angles do make a difference, especially when his prick is closer to the camera than anything else.

  • Anonymous

    9 years ago

    devolver: Manipulation of the camera is a powerful tool. He's probably 7-7.5, but it's definitely not up to his pecs. He's thin, allowing him to bend forward and make it reach further, and has the camera in a strategic place to look like it's reaching his nipples. If you notice, his hand covers a little more than half of it when he strokes. Definitely not as big as it would need to be to reach his pecs, especially given the length of his arms.

  • devolver

    9 years ago

    Holy shit! Dick the length of his forearm, sticks straight up to his pecs! Wish he would rub it against his nipples though, damn that'd be hot.

  • redgeinjax

    9 years ago
