wanted to send you an email saying thanks for accepting my friends invite but seems your inbox is full. So did it this way. Thanks, and thanks for sharing your mighty muscles with us.
15 years ago
Your lat spread is the most masculine ever and your baseball, rock hard biceps...make me thankful for all your hard work...with HARD being the operative word!
14 years agowanted to send you an email saying thanks for accepting my friends invite but seems your inbox is full. So did it this way. Thanks, and thanks for sharing your mighty muscles with us.
15 years ago
Your lat spread is the most masculine ever and your baseball, rock hard biceps...make me thankful for all your hard work...with HARD being the operative word!
15 years agoYou are amazing. Would like to see you do a it more bicep flexing!
15 years agogreat to find you here....looking forward to much more
15 years agolook at that M U S C L E.