St. Cloud did nothing except tease his gay fans. This was fuckin' hot in the usual 'St Cloud way', but lame and cowardly as shit. We all want to see St. Cloud take down a man or be taken down by one, but I guess that he's not ready for that kinda primetime yet. Fuck.
2 years agoFuck me mr. Rodney
7 years agoSSOOOO FUCKIN HOT!!!
8 years agoAll big in this guy!
9 years agoSt. Cloud did nothing except tease his gay fans. This was fuckin' hot in the usual 'St Cloud way', but lame and cowardly as shit. We all want to see St. Cloud take down a man or be taken down by one, but I guess that he's not ready for that kinda primetime yet. Fuck.
9 years agoive been looking for this! its the only one he's done with a guy!