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  • rajtennis

    9 years ago

    MILLERDAFT, again, thank you for posting these awesome videos. This was one time the music matched the visual. Please keep them coming.

  • Bonedog

    9 years ago

    And MILLERDRAFT, thanks soooo very much for posting soooo many amazing videos. I want you to know this man enjoys your efforts very, very much. Please keep matter what.

  • Bonedog

    9 years ago

    Besides, tattoos are a current, trendy bell bottom pants once were. Common guys, don't be fashion victims. You work hard to get bodies like gods and thats what we enjoy looking at, not your fabulous trendy fashion sense. This guy would have been very hot without the all the decor but with it, he looks like a follower.

  • Bonedog

    9 years ago

    Yes, it is his body (and money, tattoos aint cheap) but the question (and point is) whether tattoos (and other body decor) enhance eroticism or take away from it. I dont think one needs to guild a lily and if I could afford a sexy new Austin Martin, I certainly wouldn't cover it with tacky Nascar decals. Let beauty shine, no need to decorate.


    9 years ago

    But its his body not yours !

  • RobRossiFan

    9 years ago

    It was not required to self-tattooed all body over