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  • bikerdad69

    6 years ago

    THIS is NOT wrong, not wrong at all. What is with all the moralistic crap anyhow? There is nothing more beautiful than brothers or cousins or whomever loving each other and yes, even having a loving sexual relationship. Or just jacking off with each other.
    I know many straight men who do. So ... Nobody as the right to judge others.

  • nickkk

    7 years ago

    This is wrong and gross!! If you think this is hot then you are a pervert

  • Chereveur1

    13 years ago

    i dont think it is wrong, it is just boys jerk off, like friends, everybody does that. remember that straight guys might think you are wrong existing as a gay person. besides, i know twins that even have sex and they love it, they have their own couples and yet sometimes they meet and fuck good , the two or the 4 of them. aint that great?

  • dokkie

    14 years ago

    Being brothers and doing that is just plain weird and wrong.