The man is pure sex. I love his slight goofy yet perfect haircut, his cold yet handsome face, and that chiseled physique, especially his bulging, rock-hard arms. He somewhat resembles a high school classmate, whom I never got to know, but whose rippling arms I furtively ogled from across the room. My crush sure wasn’t this developed, but it’s nice to imagine. I only wish that this dreamy man had ditched his diaper-like poser for a more flattering thong.
1 Year agoThe man is pure sex. I love his slight goofy yet perfect haircut, his cold yet handsome face, and that chiseled physique, especially his bulging, rock-hard arms. He somewhat resembles a high school classmate, whom I never got to know, but whose rippling arms I furtively ogled from across the room. My crush sure wasn’t this developed, but it’s nice to imagine. I only wish that this dreamy man had ditched his diaper-like poser for a more flattering thong.
2 years agoI wondered where is he now? Hopefully living his best life. If only soocial media & OnlyFans were around. 😉
8 years agoLove the huge bulge in the yellow posers, especially the side view!