This is probably the single hottest pumproom clip ever. Appreciate too the slow-mo for our maximum pleasure. Nick Lavitola, in the crop-top, is impressive, but Franco is in the stratosphere in both looks and muscle development. Enjoy a truly erotic moment in muscle history comes as he strips off his tank and then holds it to his massive chest where it clings before revealing his awesome pecs. The first time I saw that, I nearly exploded, and it remains a favorite scene to this day.
the voters must vote to each group for the best muscle vote per group
in every group there are 10 models and the best 5 models from each group will qualify to round 2
please vote to all the groups
thanks for your help
1 Year agoThis is probably the single hottest pumproom clip ever. Appreciate too the slow-mo for our maximum pleasure. Nick Lavitola, in the crop-top, is impressive, but Franco is in the stratosphere in both looks and muscle development. Enjoy a truly erotic moment in muscle history comes as he strips off his tank and then holds it to his massive chest where it clings before revealing his awesome pecs. The first time I saw that, I nearly exploded, and it remains a favorite scene to this day.
5 years agoIf anyone can ID the other BB if love it. I’ve been trying for years.
6 years agoboth guys are hot, but the blond with the tiny shirt over his boobs made me cum at once
6 years agoWould love to see Franco make the guy in the half shirt his Bitch!
10 years agoshot buckets over this
11 years agoJerking off to muscle in the 80s, when bodybuilders wore sunglasses to workouts shoots!
13 years agovote for the best muscle man
the voters must vote to each group for the best muscle vote per group
in every group there are 10 models and the best 5 models from each group will qualify to round 2
please vote to all the groups
thanks for your help
13 years agoFranco has my dream body.
14 years agoI love and miss those half shirts that bodybuilders sometimes wear and this guy is so sexy as is Franco.
15 years agoI REALLY MISS THOSE DAYS! Jerking off to FLEX and MUSCLEMAG as a teenager especially over pictures of Franco, he was the best!