Many of my muscle fantasies take me back to college years. One persistent scenario is that of a muscled up housemate or friend thereof, back from the gym, looming over me as I wake. Sweaty, pumped and horny, he flexes his engorged muscles as I rise to the occasion. This man’s short gym/posing clips provided much pleasure for me back in the early 200s, but this one was special, looking fuller than ever, yet still handsome, rocking a little ponytail and sweaty undies. Shot so many loads to this.
6 months agoMany of my muscle fantasies take me back to college years. One persistent scenario is that of a muscled up housemate or friend thereof, back from the gym, looming over me as I wake. Sweaty, pumped and horny, he flexes his engorged muscles as I rise to the occasion. This man’s short gym/posing clips provided much pleasure for me back in the early 200s, but this one was special, looking fuller than ever, yet still handsome, rocking a little ponytail and sweaty undies. Shot so many loads to this.
6 years ago
6 years agoSpunk
7 years agocan I have the link of video in which ramy osman cum????
8 years agoRamy Osman.