The diffident, easy-going charm of these gorgeous Canadian guys makes them supremely sexy, even beyond where their magnificent physiques take them. Self-assured yet never arrogant, they seem well-adjusted enough to gracefully accept adulation from all quarters. Their development is stunning, especially when wedded to good looks. The sight of those mighty backs onstage,with succulent glutes bulging from near-thongs, is breathtaking, inspiring fantasies of a scenario we’ll sadly never see.
6 months agoThe diffident, easy-going charm of these gorgeous Canadian guys makes them supremely sexy, even beyond where their magnificent physiques take them. Self-assured yet never arrogant, they seem well-adjusted enough to gracefully accept adulation from all quarters. Their development is stunning, especially when wedded to good looks. The sight of those mighty backs onstage,with succulent glutes bulging from near-thongs, is breathtaking, inspiring fantasies of a scenario we’ll sadly never see.