What a surprising treat. I thought I’d seen all the Sager/Mycles material online, but this was new to me. The initial image of him rising to his full height, like a magnificent colossus, brought me right to attention. He’s more awesome here than any MCU hero, a truly stunning man. It’s common to disparage people who followed his path, but when you consider all the pleasure he has provided so many over the years, in the spirit of an ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ accounting, that’s not a bad legacy.
7 days agoWhat a surprising treat. I thought I’d seen all the Sager/Mycles material online, but this was new to me. The initial image of him rising to his full height, like a magnificent colossus, brought me right to attention. He’s more awesome here than any MCU hero, a truly stunning man. It’s common to disparage people who followed his path, but when you consider all the pleasure he has provided so many over the years, in the spirit of an ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ accounting, that’s not a bad legacy.
2 years agoReal name:Robert Sager.
7 years agoThe BRIGHTEST of all of his era's lights!
7 years agohe was great! RIP