Pumped Zach Zeiler

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  • nickkk

    5 years ago

    Dmaki650 he's on steroids. It's really funny how some people have no clue about steroid use. Whether he had cancer or not won't dictate what someone does. Steroids also does not cause. People don't gain size like that naturally. You probably think pro wrestling is real too. When ever you see people looking like that you can always assume they are on steroids . I'm on steroids and compete as well so I know exactly what goes on!!!

  • Dmaki650

    6 years ago

    ROFL I'm right and everyone in here is a fat fucking loser that thinks they know whats what. Get a fucking life you losers.

  • Jrad623

    6 years ago

    The roids are hot on him. He looks so pumped! If you watch the video where he discusses it, he is going about it the right way. IF there is a right way.

  • gregjockca

    6 years ago

    Dmaki650 is a royal idiot.

  • lelyke

    6 years ago

    Dmaki650 if you think he's not on roids then you are dumb and are probably some fat fuck that knows nothing about fitness

  • Mikanator112

    6 years ago

    If you watch his latest videos he makes it very clear that he's using roids to build his physique to the max because being natural didn't let him achieve the size he wanted.

  • Dmaki650

    6 years ago

    LOL dude, he's not on roids. This is the dude that had cancer when he was a kid and beat it and started bodybuilding the stay healthy. He wouldn't do steroids. >->