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  • kiddo8891

    6 years ago

    He's also a registered sex offender for abusing and raping two high school girls. Soooo....

  • samsex

    6 years ago

    Google Trace Wells (of Moab, Utah) as well as Images of same, and prepare to have your mind boggled.

  • CarlosAguilar

    6 years ago

    I think he is trace trainer...https://twitter.com/tracetrainer or his new IG https://www.instagram.com/johnny.desperado/

  • phreddie

    6 years ago

    He's still on tumblr, where I copied this same footage last Monday (12-31-18) from some realbluecollarstuds-type site. Actually, there's a huge amount of stuff (from mild to wild) to be found on tumblr if you're patient enough to sift thru the ruins. Their algorithm simply failed to spot it. Treasures abound!

  • seamuspersian

    6 years ago

    I think you are right montygarson..Although for someone looking for a similar nude version..he kind of looks like str8cam jeff when he had facial hair and was leaner lol

  • gremlin8

    6 years ago

    Surely they cannot class this as porn, hunky though he is !

  • mmafan27

    6 years ago

    Yep it is.

  • montygarson

    6 years ago

    I think thats trace trainer from instagram