One of the sexiest musclemen ever. His nude shots are legendary, but even these brief training clips are searingly hot. Though straight, he definitely understood the assignment and gave us just what we needed as men who love muscle. Just look at how he chose to dress in these gym shots. Every one of these clips would be a pleasure to loop, but, as I'm especially enamored of his pecs and enthralled by the nips that adorn them, I particularly enjoy the scene in the black tank @ 1:50 on.
7 months agoOne of the sexiest musclemen ever. His nude shots are legendary, but even these brief training clips are searingly hot. Though straight, he definitely understood the assignment and gave us just what we needed as men who love muscle. Just look at how he chose to dress in these gym shots. Every one of these clips would be a pleasure to loop, but, as I'm especially enamored of his pecs and enthralled by the nips that adorn them, I particularly enjoy the scene in the black tank @ 1:50 on.
8 months agoWhat a stunningly beautiful man!
5 years agomangunsnbunz on Instagram.
6 years agoJerking off over hemisphere pecs!
6 years agovery nice
6 years agoHe was appearing on Chaturbate as nepromuscleman - up until a couple weeks ago. Was doing some really hot muscle camming there.