Insane Muscle Control

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  • MCG

    5 years ago

    Lukas Osladil gluteal rolling, mentioned by mjolesko, is legit muscle control as contractions are progressive, smooth, sequential and can go on for quite a while. He also can bounce his quads, a pretty rare muscle control.

  • MCG

    5 years ago

    Hi and thanks for bringing this dude up! Now, this may seem muscle control (pec roll) but it isnt. The contractions are de-organized, random and cant last longer than 5-10 seconds without pause. This is involuntary (he isnt in control). Its called Rippling Muscle Disease, a hyperexcitability myopathy. I still find the result interesting but its not like he controls each of his muscle fibers independently and randomly, which would be too impressive to exist.

  • mjolesko

    5 years ago

    Interesting but Lukas Osladil does the same rippling trick.. BUT WITH HIS MONSTER ASS MUSCLES!