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  • bikerdad69

    6 years ago

    Love those tasty looking low hangers!

  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    In AS's just-published autobiography, he says that his Mom was so alarmed by the all the pix of Vic & other near-naked guys he had on his bedroom walls that she sent him to a shrink--who duly reassured her that her son was a perfectly normal, red-blooded heterosexual young fellow.

  • glorious9er

    13 years ago

    Luv his big heavy lo-hangin' balls

  • apeman

    13 years ago

    other pics of Vic show him to be one of the most beautiful men ever

  • txliftr

    13 years ago

    His symmetry is amazing! Can you imagine what he would look like if he were to jump forward in time to the present and take that natural musculature to the gym? Dang....can only fantasize about it.