Added: 13 years ago
As much as I love a well-turned butt, I really hate spam. And I'm afraid this clip, despite a fleeting glimpse of the former is, in fact, the latter: nothing but a promo for a 'book' that fitness model Bryan Hawn put out through a vanity publisher (Lulu) & is marketing everywhere he can. Amid nearly 30 suspiciously rhapsodic reviews, here's a critique with the ring of truth to it: "This is the most hilariously pathetic 'book' I have ever set eyes on...a poorly-written Phys. Ed. 101 with embarrassing typos and grammar mistakes. Anybody looking for information more in-depth than a generic 'proper diet and exercise' lecture will be terribly disappointed.. . Seriously, this guy is shameless. [He has] the balls to sell what is, substantially, a blog post for $20?! Give me a fucking break. What's even more insulting is all these bullshit 5-star reviews talking about how this information is life-changing or something... Fortunately I paid through paypal and will be requesting a chargeback..." Now, returning to our subject--ass!--a quick Google search shows that Hawn's is actually nothing special. This photo is typical: nice enough, but hardly the best one ever.