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  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    Just checked the dates again. The whole thing actually started about eight years ago, not ten. Googling 'David Caputo' along with muscle/bodybuilder/or hung will bring up some stuff--both blogs with pix & discussions on such sites as lpsg--but most of it, surprisingly, from the early, gullible days rather than the more recent debunking period.

  • xychromo

    12 years ago

    He's a mythological creature who was called 'David Caputo' when these pix began to circulate nearly ten years ago. Because the morphing was relatively restrained, many believed he was for real and vehemently defended the photoshopper's work from the the sneers of cynics. But eventually the Caputo cult died out.

  • endertigre

    12 years ago

    i need the name of the him ... i upload 3 or 4 pic of him but i not know his name ,...if you know his name pleas send me a message.. thank.

  • 12 years ago
