Added: 11 years ago
Gappythree, JakeJock, tbarry are just a few of the many who regret the disappearance of the posing pouches Golden Age physique photographers had their models wear. But one such--a real one--surfaced a while back (where else?) on E-bay, where the vendor described it as a rare survivor from Bob Mizer of AMG's vast collection of such apparel, claiming that it had once encased the family jewels of such 1950s/60s idols as Keith Stephan, Dick Dubois, Bud Counts & Bob McCune. I'm sorry to say I don't know what, if any, certification came with it, or how much it eventually went for. [This, like 'Posing Pouch 2' is a media response to lulzbro's posting of "AMG - Talent for sale" in the Videos section.]