Elijah, God bless him, in his brief online career, gifted us with some absolutely stunning nude posing sessions. I don’t think there’s ever been a better built muscle guy who was so generous in displaying his incredible development. His vids never cease to give rise to the most profound appreciation for his physique. You can come away from every viewing not only satiated but awestruck at the quality of every muscle group. The man has no weaknesses.
Lorono was the #1 muscle stud on Chaturbate. One can only hope he might return. Excellent physique equal only to his skill at über hot flexing and showing off.
Elijah Lorono - love every inch of this muscle beast, pubes and all. Nix on the ring...the dude lives alone (JO videos of unkept tiny brick wall bedroom & closet stuffed w/ his clothes).
11 months agoElijah, God bless him, in his brief online career, gifted us with some absolutely stunning nude posing sessions. I don’t think there’s ever been a better built muscle guy who was so generous in displaying his incredible development. His vids never cease to give rise to the most profound appreciation for his physique. You can come away from every viewing not only satiated but awestruck at the quality of every muscle group. The man has no weaknesses.
3 years agoLorono was the #1 muscle stud on Chaturbate. One can only hope he might return. Excellent physique equal only to his skill at über hot flexing and showing off.
4 years agoElijah Lorono - love every inch of this muscle beast, pubes and all. Nix on the ring...the dude lives alone (JO videos of unkept tiny brick wall bedroom & closet stuffed w/ his clothes).
4 years agogorgeous bodybuilder not afraid to show it al off, including a beautiful bush with awesome cock. more please.
4 years agoAll you freaks complaining about bush. Give me a break, you would take that dick in a second!
4 years agoGreat body but, DAMN, trim the bush or better shave it all of.
4 years agoHe is the TOTAL package; bush and all. Love it.
4 years agonever mind all the adverse comments about pubic hair. The muscles and foreskin will keep me happy.
4 years agoOMG! I need to see more of this guy!
4 years agoBedroom JO vid was deleted.
4 years agoGreat physique. Nice arms a pecs. Should have shaved his pubic hair.